31 August 2008

What is G6PD deficiency?

Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is an enzyme deficiency of the red blood cells. G6PD deficiency leads to an abnormal rupture (breakage) of the red blood cells called hemolytic anemia (abnormally low red blood cell count).

What is the cause of G6PD deficiency?

The abnormal gene responsible for this inherited enzyme deficiency is located on the X-chromosome. Therefore, the illnesses associated with G6PD deficiency occur more frequently in males than females, since males only have one X-chromosome. There are different degress of G6PD deficiency, which vary according to the magnitude of the missing enzyme.
Usually, the hemolytic anemia occurs after exposure to certain compounds with oxidant properties, including drugs such as malaria medications, sulfonamides, antiitching drugs, dapsone, and others. Compounds with the property of inducing hemolysis in G6PD deficient persons are also found in the fava bean. This condition, known as favism, occurs within a day of ingestion of the fava bean. Favism can cause fever, back pain, headache, nause, and chills.

Can they donate Blood ?

G6PD deficiency is a genetic blood disorder. It is an inherited condition that affects the body’s red blood cells.
The great majority of people with G6PD deficiency are healthy and do not experience any symptoms clinically. As such, they are still allowed to make blood donations. However we usually would advise donors with G6PD deficiency to donate plasma or platelets via apheresis technique instead of whole blood. RBC donations are not recommended as their bone marrow is already working hard to compensate for their condition and we do not want to further exhaust their marrow. The red blood cells of those with G6PD deficiency are also more fragile. These red blood cells have a shorter lifespan and hence would not be suitable for transfusion to anaemic patients.

25 August 2008

SEGI College Support Call to save life

During the just concluded 147th Blood Donation Campaign held on last Sunday, we welcome the students from SEGI College to respond to our call to save life. There were more than 30 of them, which I was told will be the future tour guides to boost our Penang tourism. As Georgetown has been listed as World Heritage, we certainly need more of these young and energetic people.


19 August 2008



Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency






G6PD缺乏症的发病机制中涉及到一个重要的还原性物质 NADPHG6PD缺乏者因不能产生足够的NADPH,故服用氧化性药物或蚕豆之后,产生过多的过氧化氢不能及时被还原,造成红细胞破坏而致急性溶血, 典型的是伯氨喹啉,多数解热镇痛消炎药也有氧化性。


患者可以捐血吗 ?

对于这点,议论纷纷,有人说可以,也有人说不可以。我请教了本地的血库单位, 答案是可以,但不被鼓励。对患者本身,会加重骨髓造血的负担,而捐出的血也可能会使接受者有不良反应。