Last Sunday blood donation drive, we managed to collect 262 pints of blood, out of 285 turn-out. What was impressed me was a little girl who wanted to pledge her organs, and she is only 12 years old.
We always encourage the blood donors to bring along their family members, to treat it as a family day. Beside getting the blood, we want to nurture the young children to care about the societies.
29 July 2008
Donate Blood & Organ is a family affair
Posted by JH Hoe on 29 July 2008 at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Blood Donation, 谈谈捐血
20 July 2008
*********** 施与受皆大欢喜 ***********
Posted by Lay Leng on 20 July 2008 at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Washing Blood Donation Beds
We (the girls) were scrubing while the guys were busy moving the beds to rinse and to dry in the sun! When YiHao Ge and Meiliang Jie arrived, Lili Jie joked " Yeah, more domestics maids to come to help us with our tasks!"
Haha... Although there were lots beds to be cleaned, time just flew past as while doing our tasks, everyone was happily chatting and merrily joking and catching up with the happenings with each other. It's really hard for us to chat/bond with each other much as usually we tend to get quite busy on blood donation days!
Here's the proof to show we were working hard!
And the nicely lined up clean pillows and beds having their sunbath!
Posted by Pikaping on at 9:34 PM 0 comments
19 July 2008
Suppliments After Blood Donation
I was often been asked by some blood donors :
"why doctors give me this pills ? what are they ?"
Well, it's good to understand before you take this pills and can sleep well.
Is necessary to make hemoglobin, the protein needed to carry oxygen throughout the body, and helps to increase resistance as well as increase energy production. Iron supplements may cause the stool to turn black or gray, but this is normal unless it contains blood.
Taking a Vitamin C supplements Along with the iron helps the iron absorption. Iron works effectively with B-12 and Folic Acid.
Beside the supplements, you can find iron in liver, lean meats, eggs, whole grain breads and cereals, fruits, vegetables, and brewer’s yeast.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C strengthens the capillaries and cell walls and is essential for collagen formation. It functions in protein synthesis by changing the charge of iron so that it can be absorbed, and it works as an antioxidant. Vitamin C functions in the construction of protein from amino acids.
Folic Acid
Folic Acid is used to make blood cells, build muscle, and heal wounds. It is necessary for every function requiring cell division to make sure cells duplicate correctly.
Vitamin B
In general, the B vitamins family facilitates the metabolization of food for energy and fosters many bodily processes that pertain to physical and mental functions, energy and proper nerve functioning.
Posted by JH Hoe on 19 July 2008 at 11:35 PM 0 comments
16 July 2008
Blood Donation in Penang
Update at 29-Jul-2008
There was 285 brave people response to the event, while 262 successfully donated.
As you may have noticed from our activity board, Hui Yin Seh Blood Donation Group will be holding a blood donation drive in Penang
Date : 27-JUL-2008 (Sun)
Time : 09.00am till 01:00pm
Venue : Hui Yin Seh, Jalan Lintang, Air Itam, Penang.
Donate Blood to Save Life. Will you be going there ? Refer map below :
Posted by JH Hoe on 16 July 2008 at 12:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: General
15 July 2008
献 血 记
夏 天 , 清 晨 里 , 车 水 马 龙 。
每 月 一 次 的 武 林 盛 事 , 在 山 镇 里 开 始 了 。
献 血 帮 帮 主 - 豪 哥 大 清 早 就 在 堂 外 坐 镇 。 个 子 不 大 的 他 却 如 八 风 吹 不 动 的 金 刚 似 的 。 虽 然 才 接 掌 帮 主 一 位 不 久 , 他 对 帮 内 一 切 运 作 都 了 如 指 掌 。 他 环 视 一 周 后 , 微 微 一 笑 , 一 切 准 备 就 绪 。
豪 哥 身 边 , 另 一 位 功 力 深 不 可 测 的 林 长 老 正 与 云 杰 双 侣 窃 窃 私 语 。 好 像 是 谈 着 关 于 九 月 中 的 英 雄 宴 。 云 杰 双 侣 负 责 掌 管 记 名 册 。 里 边 记 录 了 帮 中 九 千 名 弟 兄 的 资 料 。 对 面 阮 副 总 管 带 领 一 众 弟 兄 在 磨 拳 擦 掌 的 整 理 着 盘 问 表 。 她 的 绝 活 是 以 迷 死 人 的 笑 容 盘 问 人 们 。
中 堂 内 , 内 务 处 的 真 姐 、 赵 爷 、 丽 姐 及 Kit 仔 一 字 排 开 地 等 着 宾 客 的 到 来 。 他 们 负 责 点 算 宾 客 人 数 。 别 小 观 他 们 男 女 老 少 像 乌 合 之 众 般 。 所 有 宾 客 都 必 须 经 过 他 们 这 一 关 才 能 进 入 内 堂 。 内 堂 则 由 身 经 百 战 的 冯 大 妈 与 欢 姐 掌 管 。 她 们 正 为 廿 四 张 床 阵 做 最 后 打 点 。
另 一 边 厢 , 比 豪 哥 更 早 到 的 天 厨 女 将 们 正 在 大 展 厨 艺 。 一 盘 盘 香 喷 喷 的 美 食 陆 续 摆 出 , 令 堂 内 外 满 室 芳 香 。 游 走 四 处 的 还 有 丁 阿 姐 、 邱 大 侠 、 伟 哥 及 张 总 管 。 他 们 系 属 特 别 , 位 高 权 重 。 林 长 老 与 豪 哥 常 和 他 们 一 起 巡 视 帮 务 。 除 此 之 外 , 尚 有 无 数 帮 中 高 手 不 时 出 没 。
不 久 ,宾 客 们 陆 续 到 来 。 他 们 脸 上 总 带 着 微 笑 , 似 乎 都 拥 有 天 掉 下 来 也 不 怕 的 勇 气 。 豪 哥 与 云 杰 双 侣 等 一 一 为 他 们 记 名 编 号 。宾 客 们 就 被 分 派 到 三 处 去 验 明 正 身 。 然 后 , 经 内 务 处 点 算 清 楚 而 转 交 内 堂 。 宾 客 们 再 被 安 排 到 床 阵 内 。 那 里 无 数 冰 冷 的 针 已 经 久 候 多 时 了 。不 消 一 会 儿 , 猩 红 色 的 血 开 始 经 由 一 条 条 的 管 子 流 入 袋 中 。 一 群 双 眼 发 光 的 白 衣 人 在 旁 虎 视 眈 眈 的 看 着 那 些 血 袋 。 宾 客 们 却 若 无 其 事 的 躺 着 。 当 血 袋 涨 满 后 , 白 衣 人 纯 熟 地 拔 针 、 取 袋 。 小 休 一 阵 后 , 宾 客 们 轻 快 地 走 入 食 堂 享 用 天 厨 女 将 们 一 早 为 他 们 准 备 的 美 食 。 离 开 时 , 他 们 多 了 一 分 喜 悦 。 豪 哥 等 人 看 着 他 们 离 去 的 背 影 也 像 沾 到 那 分 快 乐 般 。
一 天 下 来 , 帮 中 上 下 都 累 坏 了 。 可 众 人 心 中 都 企 待 着 下 一 个 盛 会 的 到 来 。
( 以 上 故 事 纯 属 虚 构 , 如 有 雷 同 , 实 属 巧 合)
Posted by tsl on 15 July 2008 at 9:22 PM 1 comments
Labels: General
13 July 2008
Typical Flow of Blood Donation 献血流程
If you still haven't drawn the first blood, and going to be the newbie, here is the typical flow of Blood Donation. If may different to the private hospitals.
Step 1 : Registration & Weighing 注册, 填写资料及量体重
Step 2 : Blood Group 血型
Step 3 : Heomoglobin Tests 血红素
Step 4 : Doctor Check (chat) 医生检查
Step 5 : Get Blood Bag 拿血袋
Step 6 : Blood Bed Bleeding 出血
Step 7 : Done, refreshment 大功告成,吃点东西补充
Posted by JH Hoe on 13 July 2008 at 9:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: About Blood Donation, 谈谈捐血
12 July 2008
Health benefits of donating blood
- Reduce the chance of heart diseases
It has been observed that increase in blood iron level increases the chance of heart disease. Iron is involved in the oxidation of cholesterol and this process is believed to be detrimental for the arteries. Increases blood iron level favors this process of cholesterol oxidation and thus leads to heart disease. Regular blood donation helps especially males in loosing iron on regular basis. It helps in reducing the chance of heart attack to one third.
- Enhance the production of new Red Blood Cells
As the blood is withdrawn from the donors' body there is decreasing in blood cells. To replenish it, immediately new cells are produced by marrow and this way blood gets refreshed. Therefore donating blood helps in stimulating generation of new blood cells.
- Helps in fighting hemochromitosis
Hemochromitosis is a genetic disorder; also known as iron overload disorder wherein iron accumulates in the body tissue because or improper iron metabolism. This condition may lead to organ damage. Though this problem is uncommon in Indians, people with little iron overload also can easily donation blood and reduce their iron content. Taking example from other countries, one in every 300-400 people in England suffers from this disorder and American Red Cross blood services accept such donors as safe donor as it’s a genetic disorder, it won’t be harmful to the person receiving blood from such donors.
- Burns calories
One can diet or remain fit by donating blood regularly. One pint of blood (450 ml) when donated burns 650 calories in donor’s body.
- Invigorated feeling in elderly people
It has been mentioned in various sites though not proved that elderly people in good health have reported feeling invigorated or reenergized by giving blood on a regular basis.
- Basic blood test is done
Apart from all these benefits a donor gets a mini blood test done before donating blood. This includes Hematocrit i.e. HB level test, Blood pressure is measured, body weight is checked. After the blood is collected, it will be tested for 4 major diseases. Those are Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, and Syphilis. Donor is immediately informed if any of these test found to be positive.
Posted by Pikaping on 12 July 2008 at 4:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Blood Donation
Helpful Tips For a Successful Donation
Before donating :
- Get a lot of rest the night before your donation.
- Have a good breakfast and/or lunch but avoid fatty foods. Fatty materials (lipids) remain in your blood for several hours and may prevent the proper testing of your blood. Eat iron rich foods such as beans, iron-fortified cereals, green leafy vegetables, raisins.
- 24 hours prior to donating, begin drinking lots of liquids (especially water) – avoid caffeinated beverages.
At the donation site:
- Relax, feeling good as you are going to save a life.
- Rest for 10-15 mins in donation bed immediately after donating blood.
After donating:
- Drink plenty of fluids over the next 24-48 hours.
- Take the supplements Vitamin-C and Iron (provided by Blood Bank) if necessary.
- Avoid strenuous activity or heavy lifting for 12 hours after the donation.
Posted by Pikaping on at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Blood Donation
Blood Donor Eligibility Guide
The criteria for donor acceptance are:
- Age : between 18 to 60 years.
Note 1: a written consent from the parents/guardians is compulsory for donors over 17, but less than 18 years old. Note 2: Those above 55 years old but never donated before may be rejected. - Weight : Minimum 45 kg (100 LB).
- General appearance : Donors must appear to be in good health.
- Medical history : Donors must not have a history of recent illnesses nor a history of the consumption of any medication. In addition to this they must not have a history of any inherited bleeding disorder.
- Donors must not have any blood related diseases, eg: Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, AIDS Syphilis etc…
- Donors must not be in the following high risk group:
i. Drugs abuser
ii. Homosexual or Bisexual
iii. Have sexual partners with both group mentioned. - Hemoglobin level must be more than 12.5g/dl. Some private hospitals may require higher Hemoglobin level.
This list is not complete. Medical professionals are available and details of each donor's health and activities are discussed in a confidential setting prior to blood donation. The final determination of eligibility is made at that time.
For further information, donors can also refer to our Pusat Darah Negara (PDN) guidelines.
Posted by Pikaping on at 4:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Blood Donation
2008 Calendar - Blood Donation Campaign @ Penang Hui Yin Seh
Posted by Pikaping on at 1:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Calendar
11 July 2008
Whole Blood and Blood Components
Blood may be transfused as whole blood or as one of its components. Because patients seldom require all of the components of whole blood, it makes sense to transfuse only that portion needed by the patient for a specific condition or disease. This treatment, referred to as “blood component therapy,” allows several patients to benefit from one unit of donated whole blood. Blood components include red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and platelets. Up to four components may be derived from one unit of blood.
Red Blood Cells
Red blood cells are perhaps the most recognizable component of whole blood. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, a complex iron-containing protein that carries oxygen throughout the body and gives blood its red color. The percentage of blood volume composed of red blood cells is called the “hematocrit.” The average hematocrit in an adult male is 47 percent. There are about one billion red blood cells in two to three drops of blood, and, for every 600 red blood cells, there are about 40 platelets and one white cell. Manufactured in the bone marrow, red blood cells are continuously being produced and broken down. They live for approximately 120 days in the circulatory system and are eventually removed by the spleen.
White blood cells
White blood cells are responsible for protecting the body from invasion by foreign substances such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The majority of white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow, where they outnumber red blood cells by two to one. However, in the blood stream, there are about 600 red blood cells for every white blood cell. There are several types of white blood cells; Granulocytes and macrophages protect against infection by surrounding and destroying invading bacteria and viruses, and lymphocytes aid in immune defense.
Plasma is the liquid portion of the blood — a protein-salt solution in which red and white blood cells and platelets are suspended. Plasma, which is 90 percent water, constitutes about 55 percent of blood volume. Plasma contains albumin (the chief protein constituent), fibrinogen (responsible, in part, for the clotting of blood), globulins (including antibodies), and other clotting proteins. Plasma serves a variety of functions, from maintaining a satisfactory blood pressure and volume to supplying critical proteins for blood clotting and immunity. It also serves as the medium of exchange for vital minerals such as sodium and potassium, thus helping maintain a proper balance in the body, which is critical to cell function. Plasma is obtained by separating the liquid portion of blood from the cells. Plasma is usually not used for transfusion purpose but is fractionated (separated) into specific products such as albumin, specific clotting factor concentrates and IVIG (intravenous immune globulin).
Platelets (or thrombocytes) are very small cellular components of blood that help the clotting process by sticking to the lining of blood vessels. Platelets are made in the bone marrow and survive in the circulatory system for an average of 9–10 days before being removed from the body by the spleen. The platelet is vital to life, because it helps prevent massive blood loss resulting from trauma, as well as blood vessel leakage that would otherwise occur in the course of normal, day-to-day activity. Units of platelets are prepared by using a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the donated unit of whole blood. The platelet-rich plasma is then centrifuged again to concentrate the platelets further.
Posted by Pikaping on 11 July 2008 at 11:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Blood Donation
Blood Groups
Every donor's blood belongs to one of the four main groups A, B, AB and O, known as the ABO system. These groups depend for their identification on the presence or absence of chemical substances called antigens on the person's red blood cells.
After the ABO system, the most important is the Rhesus system or RH system. The RH groups are more complicated, but most donors can be simply classified as Rh Positive or Rh Negative.
As each system is inherited independently of the other, it means that there are eight main blood groups: A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ and O-.
The Donor/Receiver chart below shows the compatibility of different blood groups. From this you can see that O- blood is the universal donor while AB+ is the universal receiver.
Blood Group | Donate to | Receive from |
A+ | A+, AB+ | A+, A-, O+, O- |
O+ | O+, A+, B+, AB+ | O+, O- |
B+ | B+, AB+ | B+, B-,O+, O- |
AB+ | AB+ | All groups |
A- | A+, A-, AB+, AB- | A-, O- |
O- | All groups | O- |
B- | B+, B-, AB+, AB- | B-, O- |
AB- | AB+, AB- | AB-, A-, B-, O- |
How Are Blood Groups Inherited?
Blood groups for each individual are determined by genes which are inherited from both parents. Genes for the Rh negative and O groups from one parent are masked by the presence of Rh positive and A or B genes from the other parent. Thus people who are apparently A or B Rh positive may also carry genes for the O and Rh negative blood groups which can be inherited by their children.
Are There Any Other Blood Groups? There are 15 other blood group systems - in all almost 400 antigens have been discovered. However, most of these do not normally require matching for transfusion purposes.
Rh blood grouping
The RhD antigen is also important in determining a person's blood type. The terms "positive" or "negative" refer to either the presence or absence of the RhD antigen irrespective of the presence or absence of the other antigens of the Rhesus system. Anti-RhD is not usually a naturally occurring antibody as the Anti-A and Anti-B antibodies are. Cross-matching for the RhD antigen is extremely important, because the RhD antigen is immunogenic, meaning that a person who is RhD negative is very likely to make Anti-RhD when exposed to the RhD antigen (perhaps through either transfusion or pregnancy). Once an individual is sensitised to RhD antigens their blood will contain RhD IgG antibodies which can bind to RhD positive RBCs and may cross the placenta.
Posted by Pikaping on at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Blood Donation
10 July 2008
让我尝试解释一下. 大家可能知道A血型有A抗原,B血型有B抗原,但可能不晓得还有C,D及E抗原吧!普通捐血或验血时,血库只是检查血型(ABO)和Rhesus (D抗原)而已,即有D抗原者属正血型(RH positive), 无D抗原者属负血型(RH negative).这就是所谓的Rhesus Factor.
用Rhesus Factor并不能100% 把你归纳成真正的负血型者,你还要经过
如果你是RH negative 但CDE positive 的话,你必须只能接受负血型,却不能捐血给负血型者.
Posted by JH Hoe on 10 July 2008 at 11:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: 谈谈捐血
冠状动脉绕道手术 (Coronary Artery Bypass) : 1-5单位
腰骨连接处手术 (Fractured Hip/Joint Replacement) : 2-5单位
心脏血管手术 (Cardiovascular Surgery) : 2-25单位
溃疡手术 (Bleeding Ulcer) : 3-30单位
脑部手术 (Brain Surgery) : 4-10单位
车祸/枪伤手术 (Auto Accident/Gunshot wound): 1-50单位
肝脏移植手术 (Liver Transplant) : 1-100单位
其他器官移植手术 (Other Organ Transplants) : 1-10单位
骨髓移植手术 (Bone Marrow Transplant) : 1-2单位 每天
血癌手术 (Aplastic Anemia) : 1-4单位 每月
癌症手术 (Cancer) : 1-8单位 每星期
Source: America's Blood Centers (ABC)
Posted by JH Hoe on at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: 谈谈捐血
Malaysian Blood Bank Contacts 马来西亚血库联络电话
From the links, you can refer to the respective blood banks of either private or government hospitals. Hope this is helpful.
政府医院 Government Hospitals
私人医院 Private Hospitals
Posted by JH Hoe on at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Blood Donation, 谈谈捐血
- 性病、麻风病和艾滋病患者及艾滋病病毒感染者。
- 肝炎病患者,乙型肝炎表面抗原阳性者,丙型肝炎抗体阳性者。
- 过敏性疾病及反复发作过敏患者,如经常性寻麻疹、支气管哮喘、药物过敏(单纯性寻麻疹不在急性发作期间可献血〕。
- 各种结核病患者,如肺结核、肾结核、淋巴结核及骨结核等。
- 心血管疾病患者,如各种心脏病、高血压、低血压、心肌炎以及血栓性静脉炎等。
- 呼吸系统疾病患者,如慢性支气管炎、肺气肿以及支气管扩张肺功能不全。
- 消化系统和泌尿系统疾病患者,如较重的胃及十二指肠溃疡、慢性胃肠炎、急慢性肾炎以及慢性泌尿道感染、肾病综合征、慢性胰腺炎。
- 血液病患者,如贫血、白血病、真性红细胞增多症及各种出、凝血性疾病。
- 内分泌疾病或代谢障碍性疾病患者,如脑垂体及肾上腺疾病、甲亢、肢端肥大症、尿崩症及糖尿病。
- 器质性神经系统疾病或精神病患者,如脑炎、脑外伤后遗症、癫痫、精神分裂症、癔病、严重神经衰弱等。
- 寄生虫病及地方病患者,如黑热病、血吸虫病、丝虫病、钩虫病、囊虫病及肺吸虫病、克山病和大骨节病等。
- 各种恶性肿瘤及影响健康的良性肿瘤患者。
- 做过切除胃、肾、脾等重要内脏器官手术者。
- 慢性皮肤病患者,特别是传染性、过敏性及炎症性全身皮肤疾病,如黄癣、广泛性湿疹及全身性牛皮癣等。
- 有眼科疾病患者,如角膜炎、虹膜炎、视神经炎和眼底有变化的高度近视。
- 自身免疫性疾病及胶原性疾病,如系统性红斑狼疮、皮肤炎、硬皮病等。
- 有吸毒史者。
- 同性恋者、多个性伴侣者。
- 体检医生认为不能献血的其他疾病患者。
- 如果你曾于1980到1996年期间在英国,苏格兰,爱尔兰等住过六个月以上。
- 如果你曾于1980起在欧洲住过六个月以上。
Posted by JH Hoe on at 11:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: 谈谈捐血
问 : 捐血會不會感染疾病?
答 : 血库规定所使用的採血及相關醫療器械均是一人一套,且經嚴格消毒滅菌;用完即丟棄,不再重複使用,因此捐血絕對不會感染任何疾病。
问 : 感冒是否可捐血?
答 : 一般來說,捐血必須在身體健康良好狀況下才可以。感冒期間常併發呼吸道感染;且身體處於不舒服的情況下,因此,請捐血人痊癒後再捐血為宜。另外,如有服用感冒藥,請停藥1週後再捐血。
问 : 常聽人家說:「捐血就是失血」,是真的嗎?
答 : 捐血雖然是將血液抽出體外,但一次抽出的量有一定的限制,是不會影響健康的。一個健康的成年人,全身的血量大約是體重的十三分之一,如果體重65公斤的人,全身血量約5,000毫升,假如一次捐血450毫升,只占全身血液的11%;而且很快再補充新血,因此,對一個健康的人來說,捐血是不會有影響的。
问 : 穿耳洞、針灸、刺青者,是否可捐血?
答 : 安全起见,一律暫緩1年才能捐血。
问 : 我自己這樣瘦弱,是否可以捐血?
答 : 祗要你年齡為十八歲至六十歲而又健康,體重在45公斤以上,便可以捐血。
问 : 捐血痛不痛?
答 : 在捐血前,医药人员會在打針部位注射少許麻醉藥,使捐血時沒有不舒服的感覺。
问 : 如果我最近身體不適及曾服食藥物,可否捐血?
答 : 在一般情況下,如需定期服藥的人士或許不適宜捐血,如有問題,請先向當值医药人员查詢。
问 : 我可否藉捐血來測試有否任何傳染病如愛滋病?
答 : 千万不要!切勿藉捐血來測試愛滋病或其他傳染病,因感染初期,傳染病(包括愛滋病)血液測試仍可能呈陰性反應 .
问 : 捐血後會否致肥?
答 : 捐血和體重增減無關。
问 : 我自己都贫血了,怎能捐血呢?
答 : 许多人以为自己贫血。其实,是否贫血,等测量过血色素、红血球的数目与形态以后才能确定。
问 : 我很愿意捐血,但是实在太忙了,抽不出时间。
答 : 如果您急需输血,而有人这么说的话,您做何感想?别人的生命又值不值您十几分钟的时间?
问 : 是不是献了一次血后,就必须不停地献血?
答 : 献血后不会使机体以不正常的速度生产血液,更不会因血液生产过多而迫使您不停地献血,因为献一次血,对机体造血机能的影响与出一次鼻血、经过一次月经、受一次小外伤没有什么不同。
问 : 想献血但勇气不够怎么办?
答 : 鼓起勇气吧,您奉献的血液,体现出您的人道主义精神,对于病情危重的婴儿,意外事故中的伤员,许多等待手术的病人……则意味着再一次的生命。
问 : 为什么有些人捐血后会晕?
答 : 很多原因。一些是心理因素,尤其是第一次捐血者。另外,捐血前休息不够或捐血后太快起身(应该躺着15分钟)也是主要的原因。
Posted by JH Hoe on at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: 谈谈捐血
Posted by JH Hoe on at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: 谈谈捐血
08 July 2008
Blood Basics
What is Blood?
Blood is a liquid that circulates throughout the body, carrying oxygen and nutrients to every cell, and carrying away waster products. Blood plays a central role in the body’s defense against intruders.
Blood is pumped by the heart, through a network of miles of blood vessels, to every part of the body. It accounts for 7% of the human body weight, with an average density of approximately 1060 kg/m³. (pure water's density is 1000 kg/m³). The average adult has a blood volume of roughly 5 litres, composed of plasma and several kinds of cells (occasionally called corpuscles); these formed elements of the blood are erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells) and thrombocytes (platelets). By volume the red blood cells constitute about 45% of whole blood, the plasma constitutes about 55%, and white cells constitute a minute volume.
Blood performs many important functions within the body including:
- Supply of oxygen to tissues (bound to hemoglobin which is carried in red cells)
- Supply of nutrients such as amino acids, gluscose and fatty acids(dissolved in the blood or bound to plasma proteins)
- Removal of waste such as carbon dioxide, urea and lactic acid
- Immunological functions, including circulation of white cells, and detection of foreign material by antibodies
- Coagulation, which is one part of the body's self-repair mechanism
- Messenger functions, including the transport of hormones and the signaling of tissue damage
- Regulation of body pH (the normal pH of blood is in the range of 7.35 - 7.45)
- Regulation of core body temperature
- Hydraullic functions
The Origins of Blood
Blood is produced in the bone marrow, a jellylike substance inside the bones. In adults, the spine, ribs, and pelvis are the primary bones that make blood. As the blood cells develop from the stem cells in the marrow, they seep into the blood that passes through the bones and on into the bloodstream.
The different blood cells have different life spans — red blood cells last about 120 days in the bloodstream; platelets about 10 days; and the various kinds of white blood cells can last from days to years.
The body has feedback systems that tell it when to make new blood cells. For example, if bodily oxygen levels are low, the kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin, which stimulates the stem cells in the marrow to produce more red blood cells.
Can you accumulate and store blood?
Blood has a limited shelf life.
- Whole blood may be stored for 35 days.
- Red blood cells may be stored under refrigeration for a maximum of 42 days.
- Platelets must be used within 5 days of donation.
- Plasma is generally frozen and must be used within one year.
Because blood is perishable, new donations are needed every day.
Posted by Pikaping on 08 July 2008 at 10:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Blood Donation
07 July 2008
青岛一位专家曾对127名多次献血者、87例高血压者、60例缺血性中风者进行血液流变学的对照研究,结果表明,献血者对减少心脑血管病的发生具有积极的作用;芬兰一研究小组对278名42-60岁的男性进行调查,其中献过血的人5年后患冠心病的比例比未献过血的少86%;另一组研究,对献血l-2次的1532人进行追踪观察,结果仅一人发生急性心肌梗塞,发生率为 0.043%,同期未献血的2306人中,有226人发生急性心肌梗塞,发生率为9.8%,明显高于献血组;美国一心血管病研究小组的研究亦表明,在3年中,献血者(男性)患心血管病的危险仅为未献血者的 1/2。
国外也曾有学者对66岁以上的332人(献血者)与同年龄、性别的399人(未献血者)作前瞻性对照研究,结果显示: 献血组平均寿命为70.1岁,高于未献血组的平均 67.5岁; 献血组的存活率为67%,高于未献血组的40%; 献血组的死亡率为33%,低于未献血组的60%。
Posted by Pikaping on 07 July 2008 at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: 谈谈捐血
- 前一天须有足够的睡眠和休息.
- 前4小时内有进食, 但不宜过饱.
- 献血前多喝一些饮料如果汁,鲜奶等.
- 献血前請勿食用油膩食物。
- 献血后不要马上起床,须休息10到15分钟.
- 献血后必须不断补充水分.
- 献血后12小时内不要做激烈运动.
- 献血后可摄取含铁质及维他素C的食物
Posted by Pikaping on at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: 谈谈捐血
06 July 2008
Map to Hui Yin Seh Penang 槟城慧音社
Double click on the picture to view a higher resolution photo or click here to link to Wikimapia
From Georgetown, go towards Air itam by taking the first exit at the roundabout.
After the Indian Temple on your right, slow down and keep to the right of the road to prepare to turn into point A as shown in the photo.
From Paya Terubong, go towards Air Itam market and follow the road as shown and keep left immediately after going pass the Police station to turn into Point A
As this is a very narrow road and parking space is limited, it is recommended that you carpool to Hui Yin Seh and you may need to park your car some distance away.
Hope to see you at Hui Yin Seh! :)
Posted by Pikaping on 06 July 2008 at 10:50 PM 0 comments
- 无论男女, 只要身体健康, 年龄介于18至60岁.
17岁者需要父母(任何一位)签名, 医院会提供一张表格. 55岁以上而没捐过血者,可能会不被接受献血。 - 没有患上通过血液传染的疾病如 :
a). B型肝炎
b). C型肝炎
c). 爱滋病
d). 梅毒等 - 被医药人员证实身体健康即 :
没患上 : 高血压, 糖尿病, 任何心脏疾病等. - 体重至少45KG
因为血液约是体重的1/13,约轻者血液就会相对的减少,捐了对你会有难于意料的危险性。 - 血红素高过 12.5 公克 / 百毫升.
- 不属于任何高风险群即 :
a). 吸毒者
b). 有同性或双性性行为者
c). 有 6a 或 6b 的性伴侣者. - 近6个月内不曾动过大手术.
- 生理期、懷孕中或產後(含流產)六個月內,請暫緩捐血。
- 最近24小時內未拔牙者.
- 最近6个月没动手术或接受输血。
- 最近21天没有接受打针或使用抗生素之类的药物。
Posted by Pikaping on at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: 谈谈捐血
主要救活 : 急性大量失血, 新生嬰兒換血及兒科心臟手術
- 白血球、紫斑症或化学疗法等所引起的血小板减少症。
- 发生HLA异体免疫反应而照成一般血小板输血失效的病人。
- 接受接受骨髓移植的病人。
- 凡有需要多次输用血小板的病人 (如骨痛热症)。
Posted by Pikaping on at 3:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: 谈谈捐血
GIFT OF LIFE - Donate Blood
What is precious and what is priceless? In this fast moving world, it seems not easy to be answered. Decades ago, people may say life is priceless but no more. Developed countries showed capabilities to clone the animals, and maybe they are able to clone the human too. So with the right price, maybe life can be created. In certain war torn countries, people can kill each other, so certain people can disappear from this world, if with the right price.
So if life is not priceless, then what is priceless? It’s love. A mother can love her children without a condition. With love, people can defend their countries without a condition. With love, social workers will take care of the underprivileged without a condition. It’s love that conquer the world, so love is priceless.
With love, people are willing to give, the society has become more caring and more lively. People donate monies, goods, precious time, organ, blood etc. Among these, the blood is the gift of life that are given, can be re-generated and not affecting the health of donors. It takes 24hrs for your body to replace your blood volume or plasma.
It can save a life, without taken away your life. So what are you waiting, just give blood to save life.
Posted by JH Hoe on at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: General
05 July 2008
血型 | 可捐给 | 可接受 |
A+ | A+, AB+ | A+, A-, O+, O- |
O+ | O+, A+, B+, AB+ | O+, O- |
B+ | B+, AB+ | B+, B-,O+, O- |
AB+ | AB+ | 所有血型 |
A- | A+, A-, AB+, AB- | A-, O- |
O- | 所有血型 | O- |
B- | B+, B-, AB+, AB- | B-, O- |
AB- | AB+, AB- | AB-, A-, B-, O- |
依照捐血人口的統計,本地各种血型的人口比例 :
动物的血型呢 ? 不同动物有不同血型, 例如狗有4种, 猫有11种, 牛有800种。
RH 阳性 (+ve) 和 阴性 (-ve)
Rh是恒河猴(Rhesus Macacus)外文名称的头两个字母。兰德斯坦纳等科学家在1940年做动物实验时,发现恒河猴和多数人体内的红细胞上存在Rh血型的抗原物质,故而命名的。凡是人体血液红细胞上有Rh抗原(又称D抗原)的,称为Rh阴性。这样就使已发现的红细胞A、B、O及AB四种主要血型的人,又都分别一分为二地被划分为Rh阳性和阴性两种。随着对Rh血型的不断研究,认为Rh血型系统可能是红细胞血型中最为复杂的一个血型系。Rh血型的发现,对更加科学地指导输血工作和进一步提高新生儿溶血病的实验诊断和维护母婴健康,都有非常重要的作用。
(摘自香港红十日会) 在中國人當中,屬於彌猴因子(簡稱Rh)負型血的比例約為1:370
Posted by Pikaping on 05 July 2008 at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: 谈谈捐血
成人的血液约占体重的十三分之一。由血浆和 血细胞组成。血浆(~55%)内含血浆蛋白(白蛋白、球蛋白、纤维蛋白原)、脂蛋白等各种营养成分以及无机盐、氧、激素、酶、抗体和细胞代谢产物等。血细胞有红血球(~45%)、白血球(~0.1%)和血小板(~0.17%)。
一般成人如果體重65公斤, 血液就約有5000毫升.
再说,人体骨髓有强大的代偿功能,在一定的条件激发下,骨髓造血功能可增加到正常的6-8倍,一个健康人每天生成红细胞约 2000亿个,血小板 1200亿个,即每个健康成人每年新生的血细胞相当于人体血细胞的总量。
两或三滴血液里就会有约10亿个红血球.功能 :
1). 红血球 : 携带氧气到身体各处,并将二氧化碳带回肺部.
2). 白血球 : 抵抗细菌或有害物质的侵害.
3). 血小板 : 帮助血液凝固
4). 血浆 : 输送红白血球,血小板,及其他营养到身体各处.
- 红血球能在我们体内生存120天.
- 捐出的全血(whole blood)只能保留35天.
- 捐出的红血球只能保留42天.
- 捐出的血小板必须在5天内使用.
- 捐出的血浆可以冷冻及保存1年.
Posted by Pikaping on at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: 谈谈捐血
First Blood 开场白
Hello ! This is my first post, I am glad that eventually I am able to start blogging.
As usual, I wish would be able to share our views, to shower our love and caring to the world. And, please have a casual chat.
To love and be loved, the world will be better. We love our spouse, we love our parents, we love our children, and the love us too. Why not love others too ?
A few of my buddies will pen their views on the society issue when and where require. I welcome your comments too.
Posted by JH Hoe on at 7:49 PM 2 comments
Labels: General